For the brand-new event 'Osdorp Verlicht' Frederike installed five projections which illuminate the area around the Osdorpplein.
Her fascination behind the concept are patterns and surfaces: if you look closely, patterns can be found all over the area. On the streets and in the buildings, like the rhythm of the windows or the brickwork, but also in decoration, like mashrabiya.
The idea behind the work is to make an "ordinary" place, which you might walk by every day, more special.
From December 2022 patterns from neighbourhood-buildings are projected onto surfaces of other buildings. Doing this creates a certain degree of alienation in the use of architectural elements, and at the same time new patterns emerge.
The work symbolizes that we are all neighbours: we are connected, sharing the neighborhood, the buildings and the open spaces. We are closer to each other than we sometimes think, and by making connections new things can happen.
In the animated video the process of the work is shown (swipe right). The video also shows which buildings were used to create the patterns.
Als a map with the locations can be found below.
In 2023 the project will develop further, the aim is to involve the neighbours. ✨
Indoor picture by Sanne Coupri